8.Ege Belgesel Film Günleri

Saturday 16th may and sunday 17th may 2015 Aysenur, Buse, Elif and I went to see a film festival about documentaries movies called  8.egebelgesel film gunleri” in the french culture centre.
On Saturday we saw three movies: return to Homs by Talal Derki, Otekikasaba by Nefin Dinç and the last one, Salvador Allende by Patricio Guzman.
As the previous two were in turkish I just have a unclear idea of what they talked about, but I understood a little the second one, a documentary on the natives of a Greek and Turkish town. The two nations have been enemies many times ago and the filmmakers visited the city to ask to people their feelings about their nationality and the perceptions and the prejudices of each other.
 Salvador Allende movie was in spanish and it was very interesting for me  due to my studies, I have always been fascinated about South American history and novelists and mostly by Salvador Allende’s daughter, Isabel, that is one of my favourite writer. Salvador Allende, the former president of Chile, was the first Marxist to be democratically elected the president of a Latin American country.
The country was in a severe economic crises when Allende came to power. Socio-economic problems like unemployment, inflation and malnourishment were rampant in the country at that time. As president, he tried to build a socialist society by bringing about nationalization of industries and by adopting a policy of collectivism. However his enthusiasm for socialism strained his relations with business houses and many other politicians. In spite of having the support of the farmers and the common man, his government was overthrown by Pinochet that will dictate tyranny.

 On Sunday we saw together a short documentary called Depo: Akil hastanesinde hayat by Can Dinlenmis.
It talked about life in mental hospitals. This documentary focused on the mental health system and state regulated institutions in Turkey. I do not know if the rules about this kind of building are the same than in Italy but  watching the movie it looked like very similar and remind me about how life is hard for this people.
In the afteroon I saw a movie that had english and turkish subtitles: The Beekeeper by Mano Khalil.
It was a very touching story and made me the curiosity to know much more better about situation between turkish and kurdish people.
The Beekeeper relates the life of Ibrahim Gezer, a Kurdish beekeeper from Turkey, and his unusual experience of integration into Switzerland. The long conflict between the Turkish state and the armed Kurdish guerrilla movement robbed Gezer of everything that he had: his wife, two of his children, his country, and his bee colonies. He discovers a new life in Switzerland and after burocracy problems he can finally be retired.

Buse is  the most motivated in this kind of activities  as she really likes cinema and she spoke me that would like to study cinematography after finishing the school.
I think these movies gave them a different perception about the country in which they live as mostly of documentaries showed different realities. I asked girls if they know about history of Chile and the dictatorship of Pinochet and they just answered me that maybe they heard about it but did not know exactly the history. For me it is very important to share this kind of information with them because I do not know what kind of studies they do in school and if they have basic infos about the history of different countries.
